
All staff members are required to participate in

All staff members are required to participate in fundraising. This particpation will take two forms. In the first place there is planning and preparation and in the second actual fundraising activities. In order to succesfully complete these tasks you will need to:

During Phase 2:

1. Develop a fundraising idea

2. Address the legal and other requirements relating to your idea

3. Produce a Job Safety Analysis for your proposal. For this task use the template on blackboard.

4. Produce a budget which estimates the revenue generated from your idea and the costs you expect to meet.

5. Identify issues of sustainability as they affect your proposal

6. Present your proposal to your group.

7. Write the proposal brief incorporating the above criteria as a formal report.

All fundraising ideas will be considered  although not all will be used. It is up to you to convince others of the merit of your idea. Representatives from each department will form a selection team who will choose the ideas that will proceed.

Once the decision is made:

8. Start planning for the activities to be conducted in Phase 3

9. Produce promotional material

10. Implement your part of the action plan

During Phase 3:

1. Commence fundraising activities

2. Maintain appropriate records of money raised and expenditure undertaken.

3. Work together with others to achieve the team goal.

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Dissertation: All staff members are required to participate in
Reference No:- TGS01250343

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