All revenue and inter fund transfers of the city of fenton

All revenue and inter fund transfers of the City of Fenton are accounted for on the modified accrual basis. Below is shown a list of Fenton's General Fund transactions of a revenue or transfer nature. State which ones should be recognized by the General Fund as a revenue or interfund transfer in the year of occurrence. If any item is neither a current revenue nor interfund transfer, state the proper treatment for that item.

1) Receipt of money from issue of tax anticipation notes.

2) Charge to a special revenue fund for supplies transferred to it at cost.

3) Collection of current-year property taxes. 4) Collection of prior years' taxes.

5) Receipt of money in prepayment of a property owner's next-year taxes.

6) Collection of taxes applicable to prior year that, due to an assessor's error, had not been recorded as receivable in that year.

7) Receipt of refund on prior year's expenditures.

8) Refund of current year's expenditures.

9) Collection of accounts receivable for charges for services.

10) Collection of taxes that had been written off in prior year.

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Financial Accounting: All revenue and inter fund transfers of the city of fenton
Reference No:- TGS01002958

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