
All preachers are against the death penalty some socialists

For each of the following passages, (1) indicate whether it is an argument, and if so identify its (2) conclusion and (3) premises.  State (4) whether the argument is valid as it stands and, (5) if a missing premise is necessary to make the argument valid, provide that missing premise.

1. All preachers are against the death penalty. Some socialists are against the death penalty. Therefore, some socialists are preachers.

2. Smith favors a minimum wage, so he must be a communist.

3. Some Italians do not eat garlic, so some Europeans do not eat garlic.

4. We should never negotiate with blackmailers, so we should never negotiate with terrorists.

5. Every community aims at some good, and every state is a community.

6. Most writing does not contain arguments.

7. Some rodents are animals. All rodents are squirrels. So, some squirrels are animals.

8. College tuition should be lower, because many students have to work to afford it, and that delays their graduation.

9. 18-year olds are old enough to vote and old enough to serve in the military, so they should be old enough to drink alcohol.

10. She was, Sherlock Holmes decided, the kind of woman who could be trusted.

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Reference No:- TGS0788064

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