
All papers will be at least four full pages long you can go


Classical Philosophy, Due: Monday June 20 to be handed into Mr. Dixon at the BEGINNING OF CLASS.

All papers will be AT LEAST four full pages long (you can go up to a maximum of six if necessary). They will be type-written (no hand-written accepted), double spaced, paginated (meaning page numbers) and stapled. Maximum point size is 12 point. The student's name will appear on a cover sheet (cover sheet does not count as a page of your paper). You can provide a title for your paper if you wish.

All papers must be written in a clean style that is properly spell-checked. Your sentence structure, spelling and grammar will all be judged as part of your grade. Every student must turn in a hard copy of your paper. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. The papers are due on Monday, June 20. Any papers turned in late for one class session will result in an automatic full two-grade point deduction. Papers not turned in within two class sessions will result in a zero, that's 0 points.

The first paper will be worth a maximum of 300 points toward your 1,000 point possible total. Take your time writing these papers, they are about one-third of your grade. The grades will be based upon the student's comprehension of the theories, creativity and reasoned and rational construction of a position.

The reading material of each thinker, Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Mill, of course, are the sources for your paper. You do not have to use all of them in one paper. As the topics below suggest, you may focus on only two philosophers from the readings assigned from "Voices of Wisdom" to support your position. NO PLAGIARISING from any other sources, though you may attribute support material from other sources if you wish. An act of plagiarism results in a ZERO and potential additional discipline from the College.

On page 2, you have suggested paper topics. You should look at the topic suggestions carefully and consider the readings before starting your paper. Remember, the professor knows the theory, what I want to see is what you think about these philosophies. A book report or summary will bring about a low score. You must put yourself into this paper and remember, you're only as good as your belief in yourself.

Here are some suggested topics for a paper:

Aristotle and Mill discuss friendship. How does Aristotle's position on happiness differ from Mills? Which thinker is most favorable and explain your position?

Plato in The Apology (through Socrates) actually uses his accusers to make his point about justice in many different ways. Kant argues through the categorical imperative that people should not be used as a means to an end. What are we to make of these distinct philosophies which ultimately seek similar results?  Which position do you find more favorable?

Plato is clearly (through Socrates) is not an advocate of the general position of "the most happiness for the greatest amount of people." Socrates is clearly in a minority position in terms of his philosophy in The Apology. However, Mill sees happiness most importantly lies in the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people (with some stark limitations). What are some of the problems in both positions? Which do you favor?

Aristotle favors an organic approach to happiness on many ends. Kant is a deontologist, in that he sees virtue must be applied at all times, by duty, regardless of the consequences initially. Yet Kant argues that if we hold true to the duty of being honest at all times, that will ultimately result in all being virtuous and ethical. While Aristotle may seem similar, there may be some caveats. Whose position do you favor most?

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English: All papers will be at least four full pages long you can go
Reference No:- TGS01466805

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