
All of this data entry will be done in the main function

Problem Scenario: The Geaux Tiger Bank Louisiana LTD has requested an interactive program to maintain its computer terminals. Due to Louisiana Deposit Insurance Corporation's regulations, the bank can have no more than 1000 customers. The bank needs an application that has the following functionalities: 
A new customer opens a bank account with an initial balance no less than $25.00 and a unique account number that is 10 characters long, 

to delete the customer's information from the bank record (this opera- tion is allowed only if the customer's balance is 0), 
adds an amount to the customer's balance provided the account number is valid, 
subtracts an amount from the customer's balance provided the account number is valid, 
displays the customer's account number, full name (?rst, middle initial, lastname), and balance, and 3. OPEN ACCOUNT: The user is prompted for a 10-character long string representing the assigned account number for the account. If the ac- count number already exists or is not 10-characters long, it should be rejected and an appropriate error message should be displayed. Once the account number is validated, the user should be prompted to enter the ?rst name, last name, middle initial, and initial balance of the ac- 
count holder. The initial balance can be no less than $25.00. If it is, the user should not be allowed to open the account and an appropriate error message should be displayed. All of this data entry will be done in the main function. The openAccount function will be called to add this account to the bank's record. 
* This function adds a new record to parallel arrays representing 
* data for a new account 
* @param acno the account number for the new account 
* @param fName the account holder's first name 
* @param lName the account holder's last name 
* @param midInit the account holder's middle initial 
* @param initBal the initial balance of this account 
* @param acNums a parallel array of all account numbers 
* @param fNames a parallel array of first names of account holders 
* @param lNames a parallel array of last names of account holders 
* @param midInitials a parallel array of middle initials of 
* account holders 
* @param balances a parallel array of balances of all account holders 
* @param numAccs the number of accounts 
void openAccount(string acno, string fName, string lName, char midInit, double initBal, string acNums[], string fNames[], string lNames[], char midInitials[], double balances[], int& numAccs) 

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Basic Computer Science: All of this data entry will be done in the main function
Reference No:- TGS0117917

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