1. Consider the following scenarios. All involve a promise, but not all are promises that will be enforceable as contractual promises. Which ones do you think are promises enforceable as contracts and which are not? Discuss why you chose as you did.
• I promise that tomorrow, there will be $10,000 in cash on that table.
• I promise Francis that tomorrow I’ll pay her $10,000 in cash.
• I promise Francis that tomorrow I’ll pay her $10,000 in cash if she’ll give me her champion dachshund.
• Francis gave me the dog today, when I told her that I’d pay her $10,000 in cash tomorrow.
• Francis said she’d give me the dog tomorrow, and I said I’d pay her $10,000 in cash tomorrow.
2- Contracts - Express, Implied, and Quasi Contracts
There are some concepts in contracts that have similar names, but quite different meanings. Explain the difference between express contracts and contracts implied in fact. Then, explain what a contract implied in law (or quasi-contract) is.