
All assignments are subject to evaluation for originality

Select one of the articles provided in this module and write a critique. Post your critique to the Article Response Dropbox.

Format Requirements:

• Title page (name, title of article you are critiquing,University's name, section adjunct).

• Abstract - see APA manual for proper set up.

• APA 6th ed. must be followed throughout the critique in reference to the format, use of in-text citations, and the reference page (abstract required).

• All content must be written out completely-no bulleted or numbered lists. Avoid first person voice.

• One-inch margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. font size, Times New Roman font style.

• The assignment is to be a summary of no less than 2000 words. This does not include the title page, abstract or reference page.

• Use a minimum of three (3) outside resources to help support your summary.

• Use your textbook, as support, but this is not considered an outside resource.

• All assignments are subject to evaluation for originality of content using Turnitin. If any portion of work submitted by a student is found to be plagiarized, the student will receive a score of zero for that assignment and may be recommended for program dismissal.
Steps for Reading and Analyzing an Article

1. Read the article carefully, marking important parts, writing notes on the side of the page, and underlining or coding parts of the case. For example, you might want to use the following:

G = goal (measurable endpoint or objective)

P = policy (way things are done)

S = strength (internal capability)

W = weakness/problem (internal negative situation)

T = threat (external negative factor)

O = opportunity (external positive factor)

* = most important point

+ = less important point

2. Write out or state the key situation(s) or problem(s) and supportive facts, the causes, and symptoms.

3. Find the future trends discussed in this article.

4. What are the major implications to healthcare?

5. What are your thoughts and opinions of the article?

6. Summarize the statistical data that supports your topic.

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Other Subject: All assignments are subject to evaluation for originality
Reference No:- TGS01125378

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