
All 3 movies that youll be watching in this module are

1. What are some of your ideas for the next student movie? After reading other students' ideas, which ones intrigue you? What's your general feeling about this next film?

2. All 3 movies that you'll be watching in this module are centered around marriage, which in India remain primarily arranged even to this day. What are your thoughts on this custom of arranged marriages--meaning, that the parents get together to decided on the match, and the two young people get to know each other only slightly or not at all before they get married?

3. Thoughts on the Apu movie;

4. Thoughts on Bollywood movie;

5. Thoughts on Monsoon Wedding (this should be longer and more detailed);

6. What these movies taught you about the culture of India, plus what intrigues you about the culture.

7. Your general thoughts on foreign films at this point.

ALSO, What's your reaction to Monsoon Wedding? Any thoughts on how this movie handled the two uneasy topics: the bride's affair and the incest situation PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS SEPERATELY.

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Dissertation: All 3 movies that youll be watching in this module are
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