
Algorithms to insert and delete an item to a linear queue

Attempt all the questions.


Question1) Briefly describe linear queue? Write algorithms to insert and delete an item to a linear queue.

Question2) Define Object-Oriented programming. How is it different from Procedural- Oriented programming? Write down the advantages of an Object -Oriented programming paradigm?

Question3) Describe following the following terms with illustrations:

a) Linked List

b) Stack & Queues

c) Java Data Base Connectivity

d) Swings & AWT

Question4) Write a brief note on features of advanced features of java. What are the applications of collections? Write a program to implement collections.


Case Study

Question5) Write a program to insert, delete, and locate an element on a sorted list using

• array

• pointer, and

• Cursor implementation of lists.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Algorithms to insert and delete an item to a linear queue
Reference No:- TGS03520

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