
Algorithmic level transforms for low power

1) Describe various sources of power dissipation in digital CMOS circuit

2) Describe:

i. Sub threshold Swing

ii. Effects of short channel length

3) Describe:

i. Average power estimation in combinational circuits

ii. Average power estimation in sequential circuits.

4)a) Describe the algorithmic level transforms for low power.

b) With suitable example, describe the drawback of power reduction using parallelism.

5) Describe:

i. Technology mapping

ii. Transistor sizing

6) Draw and describe the operation of 4T SRAM cell and 6T SRAM cell

7) Describe various precharge techniques employed by SRAM’s

b) With a neat diagram, describe the operation of differential sense amplifier.

8) Describe:

i. Instruction level power analysis

ii. Voltage island

9) Describe channel routing problems

10) Write brief notes on:

i. Greedy channel router

ii. Hybrid HVH-VHV router

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Electrical Engineering: Algorithmic level transforms for low power
Reference No:- TGS010674

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