Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures,
Your good friend, a Rock Star, asked you to create a Time Manager app for him
The Rock Star performs gigs at certain dates, all around the country - at most one gig per day
His memory is poor, though – he often forgets if (and where) he is supposed to play on a certain date
After confirming he has a gig at a certain night, the Rock Star often wants to know when and where the next performance will be
Write a program that
receives a sequence of commands (from 1 up to 10000 commands)
a command can be one of:
1 - an insert – add the date and city to “gig plan”
2 - a ‘date’ query – check if there’s a gig planned at a certain
date (and if yes, which city)
3 - a ‘next gig’ query – for the gig found using most recent
“command 2”, check when and where the next performance is
4 – end of sequence of commands, quit the program the sequence of commands always ends with Command 4
Command 3 always is preceded immediately by Command 2
Command 3 is given only if Command 2 returned data & city (that is, there was a gig planed at a queried date)
the sequence of commands is presented at standard input,
each line is a new command
format of the commands and responses to them:
1 - insert a gig,
input format is “1 YYYYMMDD STRING”, no output
YYYYMMDD represents the date – date can by anything in the 21st century
STRING represents the city and is up to 10 characters in length
2 – a ‘date’ query,
input format is “2 YYYYMMDD”,
output format is “YYYYMMDD STRING” if there is a gig on that date, or
“YYYYMMDD NO GIG” if not3 – a ‘next gig’ query
input format is “3”
output format is data and place of next gig: “YYYYMMDD STRING”,
or “NO NEXT GIG” if there’s no next gig in database
4 – quit
input format is “4”, no output, program exits
Use Standard I/O to read input and write the result
In Java, it’s for input, System.out for output