
Alert- post implementation of the emr- a few of senior

A general hospital is considering adopting and implementing an EMR. They need someone (you) to come in and explain the benefits/potential risks of doing so. They are also interested in hiring someone (also you) to develop an action plan-from assessing readiness to QI activities. Construct some materials to show benefits/potential risks of adopting an emr and develop an action plan for the hospital to follow.

ALERT- post implementation of the EMR- a few of senior physicians do not use it at all. The CIO has requested you do confront these physicians and get them to use it. How do you do this?

Alert 2- you successfully converted all of the wayward physicians except one. He is in denial that his lack of participation named a difference in the grand scheme of things. How do you confront his denial?

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Management Theories: Alert- post implementation of the emr- a few of senior
Reference No:- TGS0765362

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