Alcohol Related Emergencies:
Alcohol is one of the most serious health problems. Alcoholism is defined as a primary or chronic disease with genetic, psychological and environmental factors influencing development and manifestation. The disease is often progressive and fatal and is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the alcohol despite adverse consequences and distortion in thinking most notable denial.
1) Alcohol
Idiosyncratic Intoxication It occurs when a person who consumes only a small amount of alcohol, presents as if she has consumed more alcohol. It is treated with Benzodiazepine Ih4 or orally.
2) Management
The priorities are to protect the acutely intoxicated person from self harm and from doing violence to others and to identify medi'cal problems that require immediate attention. Use restraints if required. If required, small dose of benzodiazepines like diazepam, lorazepam etc. or paraldehyde are recommended.
3) Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium
Individuals with severe alcoholism experience withdrawal syndrome when their serum ethanol drops below the patient's normal level. Symptoms may be mild during early hours of withdrawal and can progress to full blown delirium tremors within days. It is important to note that symptoms occur when there is a drop below the person's normal level, not necessarily when there is no alcohol in the person's system.