
Alan greenspan coined the phrase irrational exuberance in

Alan Greenspan coined the phrase "irrational exuberance" in late 1996 to describe the rapid growth in the stock market. Professor Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale, has written a book by the same title (should I say he's a bear?). Actually, exuberance, rational or otherwise, is a characteristic of behavioral economics and finance. Daniel Kahneman shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work in the area. Start by reading a short piece from CFO.com (https://www.cfo.com/printable/article.cfm/3014027?f=options) and look elsewhere as you are interested. My question is: how do behavioral considerations impact the way we are doing valuation?

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Financial Management: Alan greenspan coined the phrase irrational exuberance in
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