
Alabama law prevents foreign corporations not qualified to

MPL Leasing Corporation is a California corporation that provides financing plans to dealers of Saxon Business Products. MPL invited Jay Johnson, a Saxon dealer in Alabama, to attend a sales seminar in Atlanta. MPL and Johnson entered into an agreement under which Johnson was to lease Saxon copiers with an option to buy. MPL shipped the equipment into Alabama and filed a financing statement with the secretary of state.

When Johnson became delinquent with his payments to MPL, MPL brought an action against Johnson in an Alabama court. Johnson moved to dismiss the action, claiming that MPL was not qualified to conduct business in Alabama and was thus barred from enforcing its contract with Johnson in an Alabama court.

Alabama law prevents foreign corporations not qualified to do business in Alabama from enforcing their intrastate contracts in the Alabama court system. Is Johnson correct?

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Business Law and Ethics: Alabama law prevents foreign corporations not qualified to
Reference No:- TGS02186278

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