
Airline industry its size importance negative impacts of

Johnny's proposal structure-



Airline industry, its size, importance, negative impacts of airline crashes as failures for both customers and organisations (one to two paragraphs)

Service failure define; Different types of service failures - minor and major, but your focus on catastrophic failure and negative impact on airline brand, etc. The gap is positioning of airline crash as catastrophic failure

Purpose of the research and conceptual framework

What are you doing? Explain model/framework

Study design

Online experiment, hypothetical scenarios

Contribution of the study

Theoretical implications

Managerial implications

Conceptual development

Critical/severe/major service failure and causality (locus of control)

Roughly one page on service failures and major ones is the focus, e.g., transit accidents, health incidents Attribution of blame for failure (locus of control) Perceived risk (safety? physical?)

Define risk

Types of risk, but what is your focus?

How failures change customer perceptions of risk

Outcome constructs, e.g., intentions to fly with carrier, brand attitude or image?, anxiety? brand reputation? Trust?

Psychological distance



Your focus on social and spatial

Hypothesis 1: When the airline crash is internally caused it increases customers' perceived risk and in turn reduces customers' attitudes toward and intentions to fly with the airline, but only when the airline is perceived to be psychologically distant.

Show a diagram of your conceptual framework (i.e, the one in your phone).



Recruiting participants via Mturk (you need to justify use of this platform to recruit your participants); aged 18 yrs and over and those residing in the US, $1 compensation for completing the survey.

No. of participants - 30-40 per cell so you have a 2 (internal, external) x 2 (far, near airline ownership) = 160 participants in total.


-2 (internal, external) x 2 (far, near airline ownership) independent measures experimental design (between subjects)

-Using scenarios manipulating cause of crash (internal versus external) and psychological distance (near versus far airline ownership); we will pre-test the scenarios to check realism and the manipulations (locus of control and psychological distance)

- Outcome measures (attitude, trust, intention to fly with airline)

- Mediator measures (risk (safety) perceptions

- Co-variate measures (fear of flying, frequency of flying)

- Demographics

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Dissertation: Airline industry its size importance negative impacts of
Reference No:- TGS01478134

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