
Aipithecus ramadus genus and species time frame

Ardipithecus ramadus( genus and species) , time frame and geographic area (continent) where found, physical characteristic ic: brain size (cranial capacity) physical characteristic ic; specialized skull and anatomical features physical charactericstics ic; height and weight cultural characteristic cs; tools or tool use or other evidence of culture.

Australiopithecus anamensis ( Genus and species), time frame and geographic area ( continent) where found physical characteristic ic; brain size (cranial capacity) physical characteristic ic; height and weight cultural characteristic cs; tools or tools use or other evidence of culture.

Australopithecus afarensis (Genus and species), time frame and geographic area ( continent) where found physical characteristic ic: brain size (cranial capacity) physical characteristic ic:specialized skull and anatomical features
physical characteristic ic: height and weight, cultural characteristic cs: tools or tools use or other evidence of culture.

Australopithecus sediba (Genus and species), time frame and geographic area (continent) where found physical characteristic ic: brain size ( cranial capacity)
physical characteristic ic: specialized skull and anatomical features , physical characteristic ic: height and weight, cultural characteristic cs: tools or tools use or other evidence of culture

Australopithecus (paranthropus) boisei ( Genus and species), time frame and geographic area (continent) where found physical characteristic ic: brain size (cranial capacity) physical characteristic ic: specialized skull and anatomical features, physical characteristic ic: height and weight, cultural characteristic cs: tools or tools use or other evidence of culture.

And please provide all source to include bibliography list of refference at the end of each report.

next, part 11. evolutionary relationship of hominin species

Time order: list the order ( or time sequence) in which the 5 selected fossil ominin species appear in the fossil record. using the phylogenies presented on the web, describe the evolutionary relationship of each species to modern humans.

Based on the fossil evidence, did more than one kind of homin live on earth at the same time? we are currently the only type (species) of human on the planet,but has it always been this way? use the 5 fossil selections to support the answer.

How does hominid (hominin) fossil record show ''mosaic evolution? Define theterm and provide an example from hominin fossil record. if possible, use example, from the 5 fossils selection to support the answer.

Part 111. conclusion and reflections

trends and patterns, summarize major pattern or trend in physical traits of hominids (hominin) seen in the current fossil record. it possible use examples from the 5 fossil selection to support the answer

new fossils finds: how do new fossils find expands or redefine our understanding of human evolution? use example of new find ( e.g ''Hobbits of Flores) to support the answer.

part 1V. Bibliography

please list all sources used to prepare this report (including internet sites, etc, presented in appropriate bibliographic format (e.g APA style

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Biology: Aipithecus ramadus genus and species time frame
Reference No:- TGS0955055

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