
Ainventor claims to have devised a refrigeration cycle

1. An inventor claims to have devised a refrigeration cycle operating between hot and cold reservoirs at 300 K and 250 K, respectively, that removes an amount of energyQC by heat transfer from the cold reservoir that is a multiple of the net work input-that is, QC 5 NWcycle, where all quantities are positive. Determine the maximum theoretical value of the number N for any such cycle.

2. Data are provided for two reversible refrigeration cycles. One cycle operates between hot and cold reservoirs at 278C and  288C, respectively. The  other  cycle  operates  between the same hot reservoir at 278C and a cold reservoir at 2288C. If each refrigerator removes the same amount of energy by heat transfer from its cold reservoir, determine the ratio of the net work input values of the two cycles.

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Mechanical Engineering: Ainventor claims to have devised a refrigeration cycle
Reference No:- TGS01258860

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