
agro industrial-baling and cubingbailing is one

Agro Industrial-Baling and cubing

Bailing is one of the most common processes used for the conservation of green fodders and grasses in many developed countries and attempts have been made to use this method for baling the dried crop residues such as paddy straw as it facilitates the storage and transportation of bulk roughages. For making the bales, forages are cut and allowed to dry at field. Dried forage is then baled with a stationary or field baler. In cubing, dried and pre-chopped or ground hay, is pressed using hydraulic press in the shape of cubes of desired size. This process increases the bulk density of roughages and hence used for economic storage and transportation of hays in the developed countries.

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Biology: agro industrial-baling and cubingbailing is one
Reference No:- TGS0160054

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