
Agricultural commodity and agribusiness

1. Abstract (150-250 words): After the title page, provide an abstract of the key issues and the main points of your project and action recommendations. This should be very concise and serve as a general overview for the entire paper.

2. Introduction (1-5 pages): Provide an overview of the agricultural commodity and agribusiness you chose to analyze. This section may discuss the following chapter exercises:

o Exercise-CH01

Pick one agricultural commodity of your interest, then research the commodity using the Internet and other resources, and then write an essay addressing all or as many as possible of the following questions:

1. Where is it produced?
2. When is it planted or born?
3. When is it harvested or slaughtered?
4. How many production cycles does it turn?
5. How much does it cost to produce?
6. Which agribusinesses buy it?
7. What are five end-user products that come from it?

o Exercise-CH02

Use the agricultural commodity you selected in Chapter 1 and choose one agribusiness that buys it (i.e., choose one of the agribusinesses from your answer to Question 6 of the Exercise-CH02). Investigate the agribusiness and write an essay that address as many as possible of the following aspects:

1. Size
2. Sales
3. Scope of product line
4. Worth (if public)
5. Number of employees
6. Locations globally
7. Market structure
8. Industry sector

3. Analysis, outlook and/or trends. (3-10 pages): This section is the largest (or most important) section of the paper and should be given the most weight and attention. This section should broadly address outlook and trends. This section may discuss the following chapter exercises:

o Exercise-CH03

Use the agricultural commodity you selected in Chapter 1 and select one consumer food product from this commodity.

1. Go to two nearby supermarkets/grocery stores and compare and contrast the pricing, advertising, and branding of that one consumer food product. Note: You may be able to find this information online at the supermarkets websites.

2. Use the price from one of the supermarkets/grocery stores as well as the USDA values for the breakdown of the food-marketing bill (see Exhibit 4.11) to discuss how much each segment will receive. Note: Consider converting the values in Exhibit 4.11 to percentages and then apply those percentages to one of the prices you collected.

o Exercise-CH04

Use the agricultural commodity you selected in Chapter 1, and complete the following tasks:

1. Collect five years of monthly price data. Note: examples of good sources of price data are outlook reports such as ERS USDA Outlook Reports, the US and World Agricultural Outlook Database by FAPRI, the US Census of Agriculture, etc. You can use any other reliable data source. Present your data in a table where information about the years is presented vertically (as columns) and information about the months is presented horizontally. For example,



2. Graph the data over the entire period, making one graph spanning one year, with five lines representing the five years.

3. Discuss whether the commodity is perishable or nonperishable (use the data to support your discussion if possible).

4. Discuss what may have caused price fluctuations observed in the graphed data.


Use the agricultural commodity you selected in Chapter 1 (i.e., Exercise-CH03) or the food product you selected in Chapter 3 (i.e., Exercise-CH03), and complete the following tasks:

1. Research, report, and discuss per capita consumption over the past 20 years for the chosen consumer food product. Note: An example of a good source of per capita consumption data is the Production, Supply and Distribution (PSD) Online Database

(https://www.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/psdQuery.aspx). You can use any other reliable data source.

2. Discuss what demand or supply drivers may be influencing the change in per capita consumption.

o Exercise-CH06

For the one consumer food product you selected in Chapter 3 (i.e., Exercise-CH03) or for the agricultural commodity you selected in Chapter 1 (i.e., Exercise-CH01), choose a foreign country and research product or commodity trends and/or the causes for these trends. The following are possible influences on trends:


o Exercise-CH07

For the one commodity you chose in Chapter 1 (i.e., Exercise-CH01) and the one agribusiness you chose in Chapter 2 (i.e., Exercise-CH02), write an essay discussing to what degree the agribusiness is involved in controlling the agricultural marketing system. You may discuss the characteristics of your agribusiness in any of the following areas. You may discuss any other area you find relevant.

1. Degree of marketing system control
2. Capital
3. Location
4. Corporate philosophy
5. Quality

o Exercise-CH08

Write an essay discussing the U.S. quality grade standards for the agricultural commodity you choose in Chapter 1. Consider addressing the following questions in your discussion:

1. How are the quality grade standards for the commodity used at the farm, wholesale, and retail level for pricing decisions?

2. How are the grading standards used to instill consumer confidence?

3. How might a consumers purchase be influenced by the grading standards?

4. How might a firm guarantee quality above the standards?

4. Recommendations (1-3 pages): Based on the information gathered, develop and clearly state you recommendations and opinion about your agricultural commodity and/or your agribusiness. You could also evaluate and make recommendation for the agribusiness you selected. You may also address any big problems/issues you found. For example, you might have identified a new, attractive national (e.g., Exercise-CH01) or international market (e.g., Exercise-CH06) to sell to; yet, the firm lacks the experience and/or resources to move into the market with sufficient speed or force (e.g., Exercise-CH02 and Exercise-CH07). Therefore, you may want to recommend that the firm form an alliance with another firm; and then you provide details about your recommendation. Alternatively, you may make recommendations regarding the distribution of system of the commodity (e.g., Exercise-CH03 and Exercise-CH09) and/or whether contracting should be used (e.g., Exercise-CH10).

5. Summary and Conclusion (1-2 pages): End the study with a summary of your findings, and a basic rational for your recommendation and reasons why. Be persuasive and interesting!

6. References (unlimited): You should include at the end of the project a list of all references used in the development of your study. You should cite the references in the text such as (Payne, 2004). Then the full citation record should be given in alphabetical order in the reference section. The format by the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics is preferred (please refer to https://www.saea.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/reference-style-sheet.pdf). However, you may also follow the format of the American Psychological Association (APA), which is similar.

Assistance with your paper is available from:


The body of the paper should contain the sections identified above. Utilization of appendices, tables, and graphs can help contain text length without ridding the project of important information. Tables, figures and graphs are encouraged when they can easily deliver necessary information to the reader.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font throughout and left-margin justification only. The report is to be double-spaced with 1″ margins all around, and should not exceed 30 pages. Number each page of report body beginning with the Abstract as page 1. Provide cover page with report title and your name.

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Reference No:- TGS01434290

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