Agents in the entertainment industries

Project Specifications (TV PRODUCTION)
In this discussion board, let’s talk about agents in the entertainment industries.Think about your business and how you might have the need to attain one.Here are some questions to consider:

In your field, why might it be necessary to have an agent?
How can you go about finding an agent?What resources do you have available?What are the best ones?
With many industries, such as print media, it is becoming more and more difficult to secure an agent who represents your needs.How is this challenging?

What are the specifications of the contract that you would hope to sign with an agent?

Deliverable Due Dates and Scope

  • Complete the reading assignment and then answer the discussion questions given above.
  • Providean initialpost in response to the specified questions, before Wednesday at 11:59pm.
  • Create aresponsepost to another student’s initial post on this week’s Discussion Board, before Sunday 11:59pm.
  • Your initial post must be a minimum of three paragraphs and cite at least one source (outside of course materials) that discusses events and/or situations with respect to the entertainment industry.
  • The response post must be a minimum of one paragraph, and it is not necessary to cite an outside source here. If one is used, however, please cite appropriately.Follow the guidelines as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric.

Discussion Board Goal

By responding to this week’s Discussion Board questions, you will gain an understanding of how digital distribution is rewriting the traditional entertainment industry business models.

Grading Criteria
• Individual Input and Initiative

• Group Participation and Interaction

• Critical Thinking and Analysis

• Sources and Resources

• Presentation and Style

Possible Points:5 percentage points of final grade
Specific Requirements:

The initial post should be three paragraphs of critical analysis.
Enter a response post to at least one of your classmates’ initial posts or response posts.
The response post(s) must be one paragraph.
You do not need to cite an outside source if one is not used. If one is used, though, then be sure to cite it appropriately.
Follow guidelines in the “Discussion Board Rubric” below.
Please review our late policy, which is posted as an Important Announcement.

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Marketing Management: Agents in the entertainment industries
Reference No:- TGS0513057

Expected delivery within 24 Hours