
age amp religious discriminationas the new

Age & Religious Discrimination

As the new manager of human resources (HR), you remember that during the interview process, your boss (the chief executive officer [CEO]) specifically mentioned that he had heard something about the new Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that some other local company CEOs had been dealing with. He asked you to describe for him, through several examples, how policies and procedures in the firm might change as a result of this legislation.

You plan to have a meeting with the company supervisors to describe the law and to discuss how they might change their routine plans to accommodate the Act (for example, what they should do given that the job the employee on leave vacates has to be kept open upon that employee's return.

Show at least 3 action items that supervisors should address, given the existence of the FMLA.

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HR Management: age amp religious discriminationas the new
Reference No:- TGS0469014

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