How to Motivate Staff and Engage Employees
1. Nine Minutes on Monday
How to motivate staff and engage employees by James Robbins (Youtube)
2. How Great Leaders Inspire Action
How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek by TED (Youtube)
3. Off Balance on Purpose
Off Balance On Purpose: The Future of Engagement and Work-Life Balance: Dan Thurmon at TEDxPSU by TEDx Talks
Assignment (Discussion board #1)
Please watch all four videos and answer the questions below in 300 words
After viewing the videos by James Robbins, Simon Sinek, and Dan Thurmon, what are your thoughts around leadership, management, and motivation?
Does it take motivation from a leader to engage people/employees? Does motivation lead to promoting organizational change and learning? What job experiences either positive or negative can you relate to motivation and employee engagement?