The floor plan of an office building in the preliminary stages of design is shown below. The floor space will be used for offices.
Dead Load
The floor consists of 18 gage steel 2.0 CD DECK with a 6.0 in normal weight concrete slab.
1. Compute the dead load, qD (psf), acting over the floor area. Include the weight of concrete and steel decking.
2. If the steel decking is laid out in single spans from beam to beam in the floor span direction indicated in the figure, will shoring be required during concrete pouring and curing? Explain your answer.
3. After the concrete cures and reaches its full strength, what is the maximum superimposed load (psf) that the floor can support?
4. Assuming simple connections between all members, determine the maximum shear and bending moment in each beam and girder member and the axial force in each column due to dead load. You can use Table 3-22a from the AISC Steel Manual in lieu of statics. Summarize your results in a table like the following:
Vmax (kip)
Mmax (kip-ft)
Pmax (kip)
Note: you must summarize your results in a table to receive full credit.
Live Load
5. Use ASCE 7-10 Table 4.1 to determine the uniform floor live load, qL. You do not have to consider concentrated live load.
6. Assuming simple connections between all members, determine the maximum shear and bending moment in each beam and girder member and the axial force in each column due to live load. You can use Table 3-22a from the AISC Steel Manual in lieu of statics. Summarize your results in a table similar to that used for the dead load.
Reduced Live Load -
7. Determine the live load reduction factors, L/Lo, for each structural member, then determine the maximum load effects due to reduced live load. Summarize your results in a table like the following:
Vmax (kip)
Mmax (kip-ft)
Pmax (kip)
Note: You must summarize your results in a table to receive full credit.