
After studying this great masterpiece write two sentences

Observe this early Renaissance painting by Perugino, "Christ Giving the Keys of the Church to St. Peter" (image from ). Olga's Gallery

After studying this great masterpiece, write two sentences describing how line was used, two sentences about colors, two sentences about form, two sentences about perspective, two sentences about depth, and two sentences about texture. A critical element of this exercise is to limit yourself to only two sentences. Writing more will not help your score and will in fact, reduce your score.

For example, describe the element of line: what kinds of lines do you see in your painting? Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved? Is there a combination of these lines? Does this painting seem to emphasize one particular line over others? How are these lines used to portray figurative (i.e., human or animal) objects? Objects from nature? Man-made objects?

Describe the colors used in the painting. Did Perugino emphasize one or two colors more than others? Perhaps you could describe how those colors are combined to form objects, or shadows on or from those objects. Color is also used to create the effect of light in a work. Is there a particular kind of light in the painting? Describe the light and what colors are used to create light and shadow.

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Other Subject: After studying this great masterpiece write two sentences
Reference No:- TGS0608732

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