
After reviewing this article you will be able to consider

Assignment: Discussion

In this module, you looked at various leadership theories/approaches in relationship to how to effectively lead. In this assignment, you will critically extend the leadership knowledge learned this module by reviewing the Leading Teams article and then comparing and contrasting the Situational Approach to leadership with the Style Approach to leadership while considering how metaphor might aid both leadership approaches in effectively leading a team. Consider if different metaphors would be required based on the leadership approach or if perhaps the same metaphor might work for both approaches. Once you have compared the approaches, you will justify (argue and support) which approach you believe would be most effective in leading teams along with discussing the metaphor(s) you would use with the approach.

Article: McLeod, P. L. (2012). Leading teams. Leadership Excellence, 29(3), 8-9. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.


Please review the Leading Teams article before you begin this assignment. This article provides guidance on how to effectively use metaphor when leading teams. After reviewing this article you will be able to consider how metaphor can aid leadership approaches in leading teams.

Based on your research, in a minimum of 400 words, respond to the following points:

• Identify and discuss how the Situational and Style approaches to leadership could be used when leading teams.

• Compare and contrast the Situational Approach to leadership with the Style Approach to leadership while considering how metaphor might aid both leadership styles. What are the advantages and disadvantages to both approaches?

• Provide at least one example of a situation in which each approach would be most effective in leading teams and include the metaphor you believe would aid each approach in being effective.

• Support your rationale with professional literature. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library, relevant textbooks, peer reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).


• Goncalves, M. (2013). Leadership styles: The power to influence others. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4(4). (ProQuest document ID 1356021490).

• Epitropaki, O., & Martin, R (2013). Transformational-transactional leadership and upward influence: The role of Relative Leader-Member Exchanges (RLMX) and Perceived Organizational Support (POS). Leadership Quarterly, 24(2), 299. (ProQuest document ID 1318065206).

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Dissertation: After reviewing this article you will be able to consider
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