
After reading this article i believe that the most impact

Question: After reviewing the article, which factor do you feel has the most impact on family members? Please support your response with examples from readings. What are some of the reasons it is important to include the support persons in the plan of care?

After reading this article, I believe that the most impact on family members is that of the emotional impact. "Family members suffer greatly from the emotional effects of living with, and caring for, a relative with a disease, with the impact of some diseases being felt by every member of the family" (Golics, Basra, Finlay, & Salek. 2013). From the stress of the family members of the patient they are also at risk of affecting their sleep, poor food choices, concerns of their medical care and limited freedom. I believe that it is important to include the patient's family in the plan of care in efforts to maintain compliance. Family members can help keep the patient on track of their care and can also hold the patient accountable. Families are usually a good support system for the patient.

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Dissertation: After reading this article i believe that the most impact
Reference No:- TGS02885492

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