
After reading kynclovaacutes article on constructing

Discussion Post # 1

This week you studied air pollution and the efforts to try and reduce the amounts of air pollution in specific countries. The discussion this week follows a similar path and poses a question regarding global warming.

Most climate experts believe that the Earth is currently experiencing global warming. Your textbook discusses efforts to model how global warming might affect surface temperatures between now and the year 2100. Most models suggest that the Earth's mean surface temperature will increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Centigrade by the end of the 21st century. This large range of possible surface temperature increases results from an inadequate understanding of the Earth's climatic system and uncertainties in the data that were entered into the models. Despite allowances for errors in the climate models, critics of claims for global warming still believe that the quality of the climatic data is greatly overestimated and that no reliable conclusions about future surface temperature trends can be made at this time.

Do you believe that we will experience significant global warming during this century due to air pollution? Why do you feel this way?

Just need a paragraph or two- just answer all questions thoroughly!

Discussion Post # 2

After reading Kynclová's article on Constructing Mestiza Consciousness share your thoughts on how Mestiza consciousness and the borderlands play into the literature we explored this week.

Discussion expectations defined: You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your discussion post. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Your post should be a substantial response to this week's question in order to receive full credit.


Author, I. (Year published). Title of our textbook. City, State: Publisher.

Article: Constructing Mestiza Consciousness Gloria Anzaldúa's Literary Techniques in Borderlands/La Frontera-The New Mestiza by Tereza Kynclova.

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Dissertation: After reading kynclovaacutes article on constructing
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