
After reading each of these pieces what did you take away

Counseling Internationals/International Issues in Counseling

During the Week Five video on R/CID and Acculturation, you may remember introducing the term "glocal" as it was something that I came across a few years ago. While the term "glocal" could be interpreted in several ways, for the purposes of our class I want to relate it to counseling as it relates to counseling internationals as well as international issues in counseling. It used to be and really still is that Americans were going to the world; however, with issues related to diaspora movements, immigration, ethnic migration patterns (e.g., Hispanics/Latinos moving from one city and state to another due to immigration crackdown), refugees, the "world" is coming to us. Hence, another possible reason to use the term "glocal." But in many ways the world has been coming to America for a long time. For example, there are well-established ethnic communities in larger cities (Chinatown, Little Korea, Little Italy, Hispanic/Latino etc.) and over the last few years there are more ethnic communities that are growing (Lost Boys of Somalia, Burmese refugees, Muslim communities, Asian Indian, and others).

There is no doubt that the US has influenced the world, but now the world is beginning to influence the US more so than ever before and in many respects redefining the "traditional" view of the US due to changing demographics. With the demographics of America continuously changing, these present unique opportunities for counselors to work with a wide variety of people as far as ethnicity/race is concerned. While these opportunities in some ways were already present especially in larger cities, there are now more unprecedented and needed opportunities to help those of all races/ethnicities.

For this week take into account the following articles:

China's Changing Views on Race

(As you read this article, you'll notice that there are four contributors and near the end of their piece you may see a link " Read More." Clicking this will expand their piece. It will be like that for each of the four pieces.)

I would also like for you to read the following articles from a few different counseling resources. As you read the articles, take into account information that is presented on how to approach people not only multiculturally but also from an "international perspective" which includes the idea of working with internationals and/or working in international settings. Keep in mind the prominent issues in those respectives countries and how individuals are handling these issues in terms of approaches and effective practices.

Counseling Beyond US Borders

Counseling Across Borders: Limitations and Realities of Cross-Cultural Therapy

Multicultural Counseling: Not Just For Specialists Anymore

Counseling with Missionaries: A Special Calling

Sharing Faith and Therapy in South Africa

After reading each of these pieces what did you take away from the article about racial issues in China? Do you think there are any parallels to racial progress in the US? In addition, what patterns/themes/ideas did you notice from the articles about working with others in other countries or working with others who have worked in other countries? What counseling principles did you notice that seemed universal? Did you see any counseling principles that would be inappropriate in various situations? Compare, contrast, connect this information to what we have studied in this course thus far. Do you see any similar themes from the texts or other resources used in this course? (Take into account the lessons that were learned from individuals and nuggets of knowledge that are shared in the experiences of people you've read about.)

You will be allowed to be more conversational and free-flowing with this week's discussion board; however, I don't want you to go overboard with them. There will be a word count limit which will be 400 words with the minimum of 250 still in effect. Think through of what you want to post as you will still need to be thorough, yet succinct with your thoughts. Other posting guidelines remain in effect.

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