
After reading case 44 on page 181 in the text answer the


Case Study 1

Read Case 2.1 "Hacking into Harvard" on page 83 of the text. Write a two page paperanswering the following question: Suppose that you had been one of the MBA applicants who stumbled across an opportunity to learn your results early. What would you have done, and why? Would you have considered it a moral decision? If so, on what basis would you have made it?

Discussion 2

Inequality of income is greater in the United States than in other capitalist countries. What do you think explains this? Is there something unjust about extreme inequality?

Discussion 3

What do you see as the major economic challenges facing our society today and, in particular, your generation?

Case Study 2

After reading Case 4.4 on page 181 in the text, answer the following question: How typical are the attitudes that Sheehy reports? Does his description of a new work ethic tally with your own experiences?

Discussion 4

Are corporations moral agents? Do they have moral responsibilities? What do you think companies should do to make themselves more moral organizations?

Discussion 5

Is business meeting its responsibilities to consumers with regard to the safety, quality, pricing, and labeling and packaging of its products? If not, how might it do better? Provide examples.

Case Study 3

After reading Case 6.3 on page 300 in the text, answer the following question: What are H. B. Fuller's moral obligations in this case? What ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake? Have any moral rights been violated? What would a utilitarian recommend? A Kantian?

Discussion 6

Do only human interests matter morally, or is the natural world intrinsically valuable? In your view, is our current treatment of animals, in particular, factory farming, morally legitimate?

Case Study 4

After reading Case 7.2 on page 358 in the text, answer the following question: Some say, "Pollution is the price of progress"? Who in fact pays the price? Explain the moral and the economic issues raised by the assertion. What are the connections between economic progress and development, on the one hand, and pollution controls and environmental protection, on the other?

Discussion 7

When it comes to a company's personnel policies and procedures - that is, how it handles the hiring, firing, promoting, and paying of the people who work for it - what do you see as the most important moral principles for it to bear in mind?

Case Study 5

After reading Case 9.2 on page 459 in the text, answer the following question: Describe how you'd feel if you had to take a psychological test or an honesty test either as an employee or as a precondition for employment. Under what conditions, if any, would you take such a test?

Discussion 8

Have you ever experienced a conflict of interest or been tempted to do something that you thought went against your job responsibilities? Describe an employment or business-related situation where your self-interest diverged from what you believed to be morally right.

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Business Management: After reading case 44 on page 181 in the text answer the
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