
After reading article construct a two-page overview of


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to read an article and then to share your thoughts about the article by critiquing the details around emotional intelligence and leadership. Please navigate to the Waldorf Online Library and read the following article.

Ingram, J., & Cangemi, J. (2012). Emotions, emotional intelligence and leadership: A brief pragmatic perspective. Education, 132(4), 771-778.

After reading the article, construct a two-page overview of the article, including the following components:

- a clear definition of emotional intelligence,

- how the authors see emotional intelligence impacting leadership,

- an example from your own work experience where emotional intelligence had a positive impact on the decisions made or where the lack of emotional intelligence hindered a possible positive result, and

- a self-analysis of your own personal emotional intelligence.

The article critique needs to be at least two pages in length. The purpose of this assignment is to help you as a leader gain greater insight into the impact your own perceptions can have on a situation and to seek to better understand the decision making process in yourself and others.
Use APA style to format your in-text citations and to list all your sources. Remember that your textbook can be a source. Proofread your work prior to submitting it.

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Business Management: After reading article construct a two-page overview of
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