While working in your office, you get an urgent email from the director of another department, Max. Max claims that your work activity created a problem resulting in delays with his subordinates processing an important project, and that he needs a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
Upon further investigation, you discover that there are some sub-assembly components needed that are not available for use.
You have a couple of options that may help to mitigate the problem. You can contact the inventory control manager to locate a similar item for use, or you could attempt to communicate with the supplier in order to have something similar sent to the plant.
After gathering a few options, you are ready to communicate a solid response to Max, while collaborating with your department's director.
Compare in 175 to 350 words the following communication tools that could be used to create a response, and explain which method of communication you prefer and why you chose this particular communication method:
Face-to-Face interaction
Phone calls