
After evaluating your selected tech tool also write brief

Being able to critically evaluate technology that is or will be used in your classroom is one of the NAEYC standards.

Using the provided "Checklist for identifying exemplary uses of technology and interactive media for early learning: from The Pennsylvania Digital Media Literacy Project " (attached here and available in the Course resources section of your course) select ONE technological tool/device or software that you either currently use in your classroom or plan/hope to use in your classroom, and using the checklist evaluate its use [complete the template for that technology].

We use in our classroom is a projector and the students use Chromebook and tables,

The teacher use a computer to make assessments

After evaluating your selected tech tool also write brief summary of the results of your checklist evaluation. Be sure to include the name of the item you selected to evaluate.

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Business Management: After evaluating your selected tech tool also write brief
Reference No:- TGS02721468

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