
After completing the uruguay gatt round s-land decided to

After completing the Uruguay GATT round, S-land decided to conform to WTO. They implemented a tariff-quota. That is, a tariff, t, was defined as the exact difference between the domestic pric, Pd, and the world price, Pw, immediately before implementing the new policy in period 0. S-land maintains the import quota, but now allows imports above the quota to enter after the tariff is paid.

i. Suppose 5 years pass, and import demand grows - assume that the new import demand curve shifts out, increasing import quantity by about 25% at any given price along the import demand curve.

ii. Graphically show the period 0 and year 5 equilibrium for imports, and prices - be sure to indicate the effective import supply curve in terms s of world and domestic prices with the tariff quota in place.

iii. Assuming that the tariff quota stays in place, graphically identify the new trade surplus, quota rent, tariff revenues, and net welfare.

iv. How does net welfare compare to what it would have been in year 5, if the import quota had been maintained instead.

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Microeconomics: After completing the uruguay gatt round s-land decided to
Reference No:- TGS0949943

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