After completing the activities, take a screenshot of the following and copy onto this report.
Linux+ Support skills: Editing Files in Linux
1. Take a screenshot of the test.txt file open in VI.
o What command do you use to save and close a file in VI?
2. Take a screenshot of the test.txt file with the "This is a test file" text pasted multiple times.
3. Take a screenshot after the cp-r test newtest command.
4. Take a screenshot after the ls [!Aa]* command.
5. Take a screenshot after the grep -c "y*" /etc/yum.conf command.
o What command would you use to find the number of instances of the word "linux" in the /home/file.txt file?
A+ Essentials and Practical Application: Command Line Utilities
6. Take a screenshot after the command ping GATEWAY.
7. Take a screenshot after the last command xcopy c:\DIR1 c:\DIR2.