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Choose five (5) of the following seven (7) essay questions and answer them. Please number and write the questions you choose to answer in a single Word document. Each answer should be approximately half page in length. You may refer to your textbook for information, but your answers should be in your own words, not copied or copied and pasted from your textbook or other sources. Mistakes in grammar and spelling will count against your score.

When you have completed the essays, please load the Word document into the dropbox and submit it to the instructor.
1.Discuss differences between spring and neap tide conditions. In your answer, be sure to include differences in lunar and solar alignment, gravitational attraction, and tidal range. Consult the textbook, pages 231-236.
2.Explain how temperature and salinity vary within the coastal ocean, especially as compared to the open ocean. Be sure to mention the major causal agents. What sorts of variations are observed in the thermocline and halocline?
3.Describe the process of water mixing in estuaries and the resulting four types of estuaries based on mixing. To help formulate your answer, consult Figure 11.22 in your textbook.
4.Discuss the nature, distribution, and ecological importance of salt marshes. Please refer to your textbook, page 330 for more information.
5.Briefly explain what is meant by primary production and primary producers, and the significance of primary production. Please refer to pages 280-281 of the textbook for assistance.
6.When a species is overfished, what changes are there in the standing stock and the maximum sustainable yield? What are some problems with fisheries management? For assistance, consult the textbook pages 359-360.
7.How do hard substrate, intertidal organisms (barnacles, algae, and mussels) deal with the tremendous forces of breaking waves? Discuss the hydrodynamics of living in the intertidal region. Page 331 in your textbook will help.

In addition, everyone must answer question 8. Your answer for this question should be between 1 and 2 pages long.
1.Thinking of the lesson of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) that is mentioned in your textbook on pages 389-390, develop a 1-2 page essay on how this example is directly related to our Earth today. Be sure to mention some specific examples of how our earth may or may not become Easter Island-like within our generation. Do you feel we are in jeopardy of this happening to our planet, or will we avoid this disaster? You are not being graded on your opinion, but how effectively you can back up your opinion with facts and documentation. Please cite all sources according to APA format. 

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Reference No:- TGS0105270

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