A college offers correspondence courses to students. Each course lasts 20 weeks and is based on a weekly study module and progress test. At the end of the course students sit an invigilated examination.
The college Registrar deals with enquiries and applications, and students applying who have sufficient qualifications are asked to register by completing and submitting an application form.
After approval by the Academic Director, the application form is returned to the Registrar who creates a student file. The Accounts department receive the application form and using information from the student file creates an invoice that is sent to the student. Payments made are registered on the invoice file. The first batch of student material and tests is issued from the library only to students who have paid fees (this information is taken from the invoice file).
Progress tests are marked by academic staff and the results, together with comments, are sent out with next week's study block. The library will only issue study material/progress tests when a student has returned test answers from the previous week.