
Aesthetics of imitation-artistic versus poetic depiction

Question: How do the depictions fashioned upon Achilles’ Shield (18.568-710) reflect back upon the central plot of the Iliad? Is the relationship between these artistic scenes and the plot one of replication, opposition, idealization, prognostication, or some combination of these?  Here are some topics you might wish to use as a framework to limit the scope of your discussion:

Justice vs. Revenge: civil code vs. martial code

Homeric Society vs. Archaic Greek Society: heroes vs. real people

The Cosmology of Homer

The Aesthetics of Imitation: artistic vs. poetic depiction

You are required to discuss at least two of the scenes depicted on the shield.

Please note: Naturally, such questions require a close reading of the passage and citations of the text to support assertions. It also should be self-evident that students must present their answer in essay format, making sure to include definitions of terms, e.g., martial code, cosmology, aristeia, etc.  Students also might find it useful to comment about the reliability of interpretations in the essay. Use chapters 3 and 4 of Cooper and Patton’s Writing Logically for help with rhetorical strategies in an argumentation paper.

When writing and revising your paper, check that you have a focused concept, a logical plan and organizational structure, clear definitions, sufficient and carefully used sources, and appropriate writing strategies. Additionally, follow MLA guidelines for in-text citations and include a works cited page crediting all of your sources. See Gibaldi’s MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers for guidelines on MLA documentation.

Length: 1800 words, minimum: five-six full pages, not including the works-cited page.

Format: All papers must be formatted according to correct MLA style as described in Chapters 4 and 5 of the MLA Handbook and shown on pages 116-133 ff. (all text double-spaced, one-inch margins, a readable font in a readable size, no title page, running header with your name and page number, etc.). All papers must also include a separate works-cited page with full bibliographic information for all sources, primary and secondary. See the MLA Handbook 5.3.3 (131).

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Other Subject: Aesthetics of imitation-artistic versus poetic depiction
Reference No:- TGS01437034

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