
Aerospace engineering - flight dynamics and control

Submission Details: The purpose of this assignment is to support the lecture content in the second year Flight Dynamics and Control lectures and your use of the flight simulators. Please submit your individual assignment in a PDF format via Blackboard and limit your submission to a maximum of 10 pages. Please use equations, figures and diagrams where appropriate - figures can be hand drawn and scanned/photographed/inserted in your assignment - or can be drawn electronically.

Part A - Balance and Stability

ηtrim = 1/V¯a2T {CM0 - V¯a1TiT - CLW[V¯a1T/a1(1 - k) - x]}    (1)

1) In your own words explain the difference between ‘Static Stability' and ‘Balance' as it applies to a classical aircraft configuration in flight, making reference to Equation 1 where appropriate.

2) Explain the importance of positioning the aircraft centre of gravity, and define both neutral point and static margin. Please make reference to Equation 1 and explain how it can be linked to longitudinal stability.

3) Show how relationships derived from Equation 1 can be used in flight-testing in order to demonstrate longitudinal static stability. Why might these relationships be useful?

Part B - Aircraft Modes and Equations of Motion

4) Describe the five modes of motion that are found in the analysis of a conventional aircraft configuration. These must be in your own words, and please provide a sketch showing where you would expect to find them on a complex plane.

5) Explain how these five modes can be linked to handling qualities and how these can be assessed using flight simulators. Include in your answer reference to the Cooper- Harper scale and how this might be used.

6) Provide a short description of the full rigid body, nonlinear equations of motion used for flight dynamics analysis. Include in your answer brief explanations of the key parts of the equations. You may choose to include part or all of the equations in your description if you wish.

7) Provide an explanation of the aerodynamic derivatives that are used in the small perturbation equations. Within your answer, include definitions and brief explanations for at least six examples.

Part C - Flight Simulation

8) Provide a short description of the behaviour of the aircraft response in simulation for each aircraft mode. How well does this match with what you were expecting from Part A?

9) For those modes where you have saved flight data, plot appropriate graphs using Matlab for your report, and for those which you do not, provide a sketch of each response.

10) For the oscillatory modes provide any relevant parameters you can identify from your results.

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Other Engineering: Aerospace engineering - flight dynamics and control
Reference No:- TGS02768063

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