
Advocating or proposing changes to a healthcare bill

Assignment task: Advocate for one of the following guidelines:

A pending healthcare bill at your local, state, or federal level (I live in Arlington, Texas)

*If you are advocating or proposing changes to a healthcare bill or policy, you must submit a link of the bill for the first question. Note: Navigate to Congress.gov (link) and view the following video on how to search for legislation (link)

In a free-formed response, explain two reasons why that bill, policy, or recommendation is important.

Identify a leader or change agent (local, state, and national leader/legislator) who is appropriate to advocate for this policy change or adoption. Briefly justify why that leader is an appropriate choice for this policy change or adoption. Note: To determine your representatives, navigate to org (link)

Identify the official mailing or email address of this leader. Note: Your elected officials' email and physical addresses are available on their websites. You can find out who represents you on the House (link) and Senate (link).

Additional notes:

You are advocating for approval of pending legislation (ie. a bill), acceptance of new legislation, or revision of a current healthcare policy. You cannot choose a bill that has already passed because at that point, it is a law. Advocacy for revision or repeal of an established law is not appropriate for this class.

Always refer to your selected guideline by its appropriate title - e.g., "Title VIII funding, H. R. 952, "Indwelling Catheter Care: Policy #NP.304", or your proposed name of new policy/legislation.

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Other Subject: Advocating or proposing changes to a healthcare bill
Reference No:- TGS03442734

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