Advise to push to negotiate for jcpoa

Assignment task:

Respond to the classmates post in a couple sentence "The issues with Iran are very complex, so any potential solutions are also complex. I think I would mainly advise to push to negotiate for JCPOA to be put back in place. It goes without saying that this would be for a more immediate fix to current pressing issues in the region, then we could move on to others in time.

The JCPOA would provide relief from sanctions to the Iranian people, which tend to affect civilians the most, and it could put Iran on a track for more amicable international relationships. This agreement, lifting sanctions, could also garner support from the Iranian people, many of whom are very unhappy with the current regime. While some might wonder if this plan would even work, it did initially before we were pulled out of it and the accord collapsed. Iran was complying with the terms and many sanctions were lifted. I would also include other countries in the region in new negotiations, Saudi Arabia and Israel for example were not totally happy with the original agreement. On that note, I would also have another look at the sunset provisions because they seem to only be a band-aid on the development of nuclear weapons. While there is also concern that lifting sanctions would just allow Iran to have more money to funnel to terrorist groups, I think it would be a risky but important step towards bettering relations with Iran and containing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

I would also advise that pressure be put on Iran regarding extremist militia groups like the Houthis, and their funding of other extremist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. Their direct hand in terrorism is not acceptable and poses a huge threat to peace in the region, as we can see right now with Israel. In lifting sanctions with JCPOA back in place, it would be crucial to counter any increased funding and supply to these groups. So something I would potentially add in with JCPOA is the cessation of support for these groups in order for the sanctions to be lifted. This would be a tough point to negotiate, and I'm not sure it would actually make it in, but I think it's an important one to try and get.

Nuclear proliferation is a scary thing, and it can have a domino effect of issues with it. Personally I think the creation of nuclear weapons was a mistake, but no one is ever going to give up their nukes once they have them, so we should work on containing them."

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