
Advise students of the assessment process and marking

Support students with Autism Spectrum disorder

You will be advised by your assessor the due date at the commencement of this unit. If an extension is required please make contact at least 3 days before the assessment is due. Your extension request will be required in writing.

Assessment Requirements:

Assessor instructions
• Assessor will explain and/or demonstrate the task(s) to be performed.
• Advise students of the assessment process and marking criteria.
• Issue material related to the assessment where appropriate.
• Collect each assessment on completion if submitted manually.

Student instructions
• Read all information contained within this assessment task prior to commencing and seek clarification as required.
• Students are required to add their name, Student ID, date, page number and unit code/name to each page of written assessments.
• Please return the signed and dated Federation Training Assessment Cover Sheet attached to the front of your assessment.
• All tasks must be completed to Industry standard.

Assessment 1: Project
Introduction to the assessment project
This assessment asks you to:
• Understand the historical and current research in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Identify the implications of the disorder on effective teaching and learning practices.
• Develop a deep understanding of Autism Spectrum disorder from the parents and/or teacher's viewpoint and
• How to best assist them in an educational setting.

When assisting students in schools it is important that you are aware of the parent's struggles and successes. Therefore, you are asked to interview a parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and write a report about the interview.
You are also expected to be able to discuss the supports, strategies and resources that may benefit this particular student in an educational setting.


1. Write an introduction that demonstrates your knowledge of the historical and current research on Autism Spectrum Disorder. (approx. 500 words) (1.1)

2. Write 10 survey/interview questions to ask a parent, caregiver and/or teacher of a student who has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The questions must demonstrate to you:
-the processes involved in establishing a diagnosis of ASD with this student (1.2)
-the difficulties experienced by this student and their family (1.3)
-the effects of ASD on the student's development, learning and teaching practices (1.4)

NOTE: Survey questions must be submitted BEFORE beginning the interview. They can be submitted via email to your trainer. Your trainer must confirm that they are satisfactory before you conduct your interview.

3. Survey/interview the parents, caregiver or teacher of a school age student who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder and record their replies.

4. Collate the survey/interview and write up all information in a report. (approx. 1000 words)

The following information should be included in your written report:

1. Student's age and interests (include any obsessive interests they may have)

2. Developmental and behavioural features in relation to their disorder?

3. The effect on the student's learning?

4. On a timeline present the steps that were taken to diagnosis?

5. The adaptations that are or need to be made in the classroom and the school.

6. The curriculum assistance required for this student to reach their potential?

7. Five resources explained that are or could be used to assist with this student's development, include at least one iPad APP.

8. 3 short and 3 long term goals for this student. (you may make these up in relation to the information gained about the student or they may be directly from the student's individual learning plan)

9. The strategies an educator could use to promote the inclusion of this student into the school community?

10. At least three different communication techniques for engaging students with ASD.

11. At least three different behaviour support techniques for students with ASD.

You may need to do your own research to establish an understanding of the procedures and strategies that could be used to support this student. Do not rely solely on what is being done.

NOTE: It will be necessary to change the name of the student, town and school to comply with privacy and confidentiality policies.

Attachment:- Unit Notes.zip

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Dissertation: Advise students of the assessment process and marking
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