Polaris Ltd is a public company which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and Ivo numerous small shareholders Polaris Lid owns 35% of the issued ordinary shares of Beta l.td The remaining shares of Beta Ltd are widely distributed among numerou5 54111111 shareholders. none of which own more than 4% of Beta Ltd Beta Ltd's constitution provides that at general meetings of the company. ordinary shareholders are entitled to vote on resolutions and elect directors, on the basis of one vow per ordinary share
At general meetuno of Beta Ltd, resolutions proposed by Polaris Ltd are mvanable passed and candidates for directorships ',animated by Polaris Ltd are insertable elected, because many small shareholders in Beta Ltd do not exercise their nyht to attend general meetings and vote
Advise Polaris Ltd whether it is required In pnxitze consolitiated financial statement (CFS). Consider the levels of control and the iuentbers' rights in vow answer