
Advertising and sales representatives


Message Strategies: Negative Organizational Messages

Marketing specialists usually celebrate when target audiences forward their messages to friends and family—essentially acting as unpaid advertising and sales representatives. In fact, the practice of viral marketing is based on this hope. For one Starbucks regional office, however, viral marketing started to make the company just a bit sick. The office sent employees in the Southeast an e-mail coupon for a free iced drink and invited them to share the coupon with family and friends. To the surprise of virtually no one who understands the nature of online life, the e-mail coupon multiplied rapidly, to the point that Starbucks stores all around the country were quickly overwhelmed with requests for free drinks. The company decided to immediately terminate the free offer, a month ahead of the expiration date on the coupon. Your task Write a one-paragraph message that can be posted on the Starbucks Facebook page and in individual stores, apologizing for the mix-up and explaining that the offer is no longer valid.

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Business Law and Ethics: Advertising and sales representatives
Reference No:- TGS01966395

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