
Advantages of model view controller design pattern

1) Write a program to draw all shapes using AWT?

2) With a proper example explain the Interfaces.

3) What is an Exception? Explain how to throw, catch and handle Exceptions.

4) Write a program to create the calculator using swings with the four basic arithmetic operations; +,-,*,/

5) With a neat diagram describe the Model view controller design pattern and write down the advantages and disadvantages of using it in designing an application.

6) Explain how a Frame is created? Write down a java program which creates a product enquirer form using frames.

7) What do you mean by Generic programming and why is it required? Write down the limitations and restrictions of generic programming.

8) What do you mean by threads? And Explain states of thread and its properties in detail.

9) Write down a java program which prints numbers from 1 to 10 line by line after every 5 seconds.

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JAVA Programming: Advantages of model view controller design pattern
Reference No:- TGS010524

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