Advantages of local exhaust ventilation system

Question 1:

List the disadvantages and advantages of installing the Local Exhaust Ventilation system at a workplace.

Question 2:

Illustrate out the term "Air changes" employed in measuring the dilution ventilation rate.

Question 3:

Compute the volume flow rate which would be required to ventilate a hall where an international conference is being held with the following dimensions: 18 m long, 20 m wide and 5 m high. Select the suggested number of air changes for your calculations.

Question 4:

Illustrate out the significance of having good lighting at a workplace.

Question 5:

Discuss on the factors which should be taken in consideration prior to the employ of respiratory protective equipment by employees when exposed to dusts, chemicals or diminished oxygen.

Question 6:

In brief illustrate out what is meant by Nominal Protection Factor.

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Other Subject: Advantages of local exhaust ventilation system
Reference No:- TGS08517

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