
Advantages of interim audit

1. What do you mean by an Auditing? Describe in detail.

2. Write down main differences between Auditing and Accounting.

3. What is meant by interim audit? Write down its advantages?

4. What is meant by audit sampling?

5. What do you understand by “Teeming and Lading”?

6. What do you understand by Goodwill in a business?

7. Can a person other than the charted accountant be appointed as auditor of a company.

8. Write a detailed note on “Casual Vacancy” of auditor’s.

9. What is LFAR stands for? It was launched by who and which year?

10. Write down the accounts that are needed to be prepared by the insurance company?

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Auditing: Advantages of interim audit
Reference No:- TGS013464

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