
advantages of fms flexible manufacturing systems

Advantages of FMS

  1. Flexible manufacturing systems are regarded as one of the most efficient methods to employ in reducing or eliminating problems in manufacturing industries.
  2. FMS brings flexibility and responsiveness to the manufacturing floor.
  3. FMS enables manufacturing to machine a wide variety of work places on few machines with low staffing levels, productively reliably and predictably.
  4. FMS shortens the manufacturing process through improved operational control round the clock availability of automated equipment, increases machines utilization and responsiveness, and reduction of human intervention.
  5. Better competitive advantage.
  6. Lower work in process inventories.
  7. Reduced through put time and its variability.
  8. Improved manufacturing control.
  9. Improved quality and reduced scrap rate.
  10. Reduction of floor space used.
  11. Better status monitor of machines tools and material handling devices.

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