
advantages of computerized record-keepingless

Advantages of Computerized Record-keeping

  1. Less manpower is required for upkeep. 
  2. Recording, storing, and retrieving are all much faster: easier and with little practice (Just a click of button is required). 
  3. Requires far less space and print-outs can be made when needed. 
  4. Records are more complete and less prone to human error. 
  5. Photographs and other visuals can be easily incorporated into the record. 
  6. Indoor patients can be monitored with a checklist of various parameters, and charts can be readily compiled, recorded and retrieved for nursing. 
  7. Comprehensive records can be organized into a database that highlights trends in methods of nursing care, allowing for introspection and improvement in nursing practice. 
  8. The thoroughness and organization lends more accurate nursing action research that is easier to carry out. 
  9. Electronic records, with the aid of a modem and Internet connection, immensely facilitate sharing nursing care data with the nursing community.

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Computer Engineering: advantages of computerized record-keepingless
Reference No:- TGS0176536

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