
Advantages-disadvantages of electronic coupons for consumers

Question 1: What are the advantages/disadvantages of electronic coupons for the consumer and for businesses? How do online coupons compare to traditional coupons? How have the target markets changed between the traditional and electronic coupons?
200+ word count

Question 2: List the possible benefits of using sweepstakes and contests at local retail stores. How might retail businesses use sweepstakes and contests to increase foot traffic? Ultimately, what is the primary value of sweepstakes and contests? Finally, list any sweepstakes or contests that they know and the perception of the effectiveness of the goals of the campaign.
200+ word count

Question 3: The sales team at a discount store (Wal-mart, Target, K-mart, etc) versus the sales team at a high end department store (Macy's, Nordstrom's, Saks Fifth Ave, etc). Formulate your approach and the type of personal selling/customer service you would use in each type of store. Are the target markets different? Are the customer expectations different and how does that affect pricing? 200+ word count

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Marketing Management: Advantages-disadvantages of electronic coupons for consumers
Reference No:- TGS02027620

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